WAEC Civic Education Past Questions & Answers - Page 99


Discipline is describe as the


Ability to show hospitality


State or quality of being brave


Tendency to fight


Ability to behave in a controlled manner

Correct answer is D

Discipline: The practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behaviour, using punishment to correct disobedience.


An attribute of honesty is









Correct answer is B

Honesty can be defined as the act of being truthful to yourself,others and being straightforward in whatever we do. Honesty refers to a facet of moral character and connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, and straightforwardness, including straightforwardness of conduct. 

A more complete definition of honesty shows that an honest person doesn't do things that are morally wrong. If something you do is breaking the law or if you have to hide what you are doing because you'll get in trouble, you are probably not being honest. So honesty is about speaking and acting truthfully.


Members of a society are expected to adhere to societal values for the following reasons except


Enhancement of development


Improvement of self dignity


Reduction of social vices


Relegation of morality

Correct answer is D

Importance of Values ​​in Society:

Help to progress;Individual values ​​help individuals to move toward perfection or as close as they can be to it. It is important that people constantly move forward in their lives. In this way it is possible that productivity is feasible and that achievements can be realized.

Expand the identity of a society and culture; Values ​​have many social functions. Those values ​​that derive from common experience unite families, tribes, societies and nations.When values ​​are implemented, societal standards can be maintained. Values ​​are the fabric that creates culture; If people lie, cheat and steal, the culture of society will not be healthy.

Change human behavior;The behavior of people can be changed through a system of values. Thanks to this, it is possible for people to change their behavior for the better. Values ​​are an effective way of correcting and reforming negative behaviors in individuals and in a society.

Facilitate socialization; Values ​​are transferred and transmitted to children during their primary and secondary socialization. It is quite complicated to make an adult learn new values, that is why they are instilled in children.