Advertise on Jobzilla

Jobzilla is one of the most visited career websites in the Nigeria. We have a diverse range of career professionals and non-professionals who visit our website daily scouting for the wide array of content that we provide.

If you have job vacancies or other ads targeting career professionals and non-professionals especially in Nigeria, Jobzilla is the right place to promote them.

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Advertisement options
Pinned post (Job vacancies)

For more visibility, job vacancy will be published and pinned on our home page and jobs page for 2 days at ₦5,000/job role.

Pinned post / Email blast

Advert content will be published and pinned on our home page and jobs page for one week. For even more reach, content will also be sent out as a solo newsletter to over 200k email subscribers on Jobzilla at ₦50,000.

Other partnership

We're open to other advertisement/partnership opportunities.

Ready to advertise? Contact us.