The battle of uhud is so named because
uhud was a very brave soldier
it was fought on a mountain called uhud
A plague called Uhud
Muslims were victorious
Correct answer is B
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Caliph uthman b. Affan began his reign in
632 A.D
634 A.D
644 A.D
656 A.D
Correct answer is C
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The cave of hira is associated with the
first revelation of the Qur'an
last verse of the Qur'an
Hijrah to madinah
battle of Khandaq
Correct answer is A
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A hadith becomes mawdu when it
is fabicated and untrue
has relief isnad
is inferior in term of authority
has defects in both isnad and matn
Correct answer is A
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Falyaqul Khayram awliyasmul in Hadith 15 of an-Nawawi encourages Muslims to be
Hardworking and prayerful
very active and resolute
simple and modest
decent utterance
Correct answer is D
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