European traders did not venture into the interior of Nigeria before the 19th century because
They were ignorant of the area
The African middlemen served their needs
Of their fear of the African middlemen
They were very few in number
Correct answer is B
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The Yoruba background to the Oba of Benin is emphasized by the
Similarities of Benin and Ife arts
Similarities in their political structures
Relationship between Oranmiyan and Ogiso dynasties
Oranmiyan legend in Benin history
Correct answer is D
There was no relationship between the Oranmiyan and Ogiso Dynasties the letter of which had been superceded by the republican system; and Oranmiyan connection with Benin history produced similarities in life and Benin art as well as in their political structures.
The collapse of Kanem under Dunama Debalemi was attributed to
Poor economic system
Lack of a standing army
Conflict among the ruling class
Lack of a sound political structure
Correct answer is C
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Which of the following is the most important source of the history of the Hausa states?
Tarikh-as Sudan
The European account
The Kano Chronicle
The Arab traders’ account
Correct answer is C
The Kano Chronicle mentions only the relationship between Kano and neighbouring states; the European accounts contain information about Nigeria’s coastal states while Tarikh-al- Sudan supplies information
on mainly Western and central Sudanese states.
In pre-colonial Nigeria, intergroup contacts were encourage mostly by
Economic interdependence
Military alliance
Marriage ties
Political ties
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.