The flow of air and water in or out of the mesophyll layer of a leaf is controlled by the
air space
guard cell
Correct answer is D
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has a tuberous stem
has a reduced stem and thick fleshy leaves
has adventitous roots
bears many buds at the nodes
Correct answer is B
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Which of the following insects undergoes incomplete metamorphosis?
Correct answer is B
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The flowering period of plants in a habitat is determined by the
duration of sunlight
intensity and duration of rainfall
relative humidity of the atmosphere
temperature of the habitat
Correct answer is A
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The essential structural difference between hydra and tapeworm is that while Hydra
has tentacles, tapeworm is parasitic
is diploblastic, tapeworm is triplobastic
has a mouth, tapeworm feeds by suckers
has mesoderm, tapeworm has mesogloea
Correct answer is B
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