The admonition against arrogance in sūrah 31:18 is direc...
The admonition against arrogance in sūrah 31:18 is directed to the son of
Correct answer is C
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One of the sources of fund to Baytul mal is ...
Which of the following was not part of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah? ...
‘Indeed the people before you were destroyed by asking a lot of unnecessary questions …...
Hadith one of an-Nawawa's collection says that every man will be rewarded according to his ...
Which of the following factors is responsible for the compilation of al-Quran? ...
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The state into which the pilgrim enters befire the time of Hajj is ...
A recipent of Zakat according to Qur'an 9:60 is the ...
Which of the following prayers has a complete silent recitation? ...