The youngest person to accept Islam was
...The youngest person to accept Islam was
Ibu Umar
Correct answer is A
The youngest person to accept Islam is Ali (RTA) and also a companion to the prophet.
Which of the following sets, according to ā'yatul Kursiyy; is ‘Allāh not susceptible to?...
The Glorious Qur'ān is a guidance for ...
The worst vice prevalent during the Jahiliyyah period was ...
Kalimatu sℎ −shahādah is the first pillar of Islam, the second being ...
An-Nawawis Hadith 15 states that we ...
Q. 3:103 enjoins Muslims to ...
Which of the following is not a form of shirk according to the Quran? ...
Zihar is a special way to terminate a marriage because it involves ...
The Day of Judgement is described in ...
The most important use of Tafstr of Glorious Qur’ān is in the ...