Latest Job Openings at Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED)

Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED) - Since 1993, as an international non-governmental organization, ACTED has been committed to immediate humanitarian relief to support those in urgent need and protect people’s dignity, while co-creating longer term opportunities for sustainable growth and fulfilling people’s potential. ACTED endeavors to respond to humanitarian crises and build resilience; promote inclusive and sustainable growth; co-construct effective governance and support the building of civil society worldwide by investing in people and their potential. We go the last mile: ACTED’s mission is to save lives and support people in meeting their needs in hard to reach areas. With a team of 4,300 national staff 300 international staff, ACTED is active in 35 countries and implements more than 450 projects a year reaching over 11 million beneficiaries. Country profile In response to the emergency situation in Nigeria, ACTED recruits to fill the position below:     Job Title: Country Finance Manager Location: Maiduguri Department: Finance Contract: Fixed term Duration 12 months Starting date: ASAP Position Details

  • Under the authority of the Country Director and Finance Director in HQ, the Country Finance Manager (CFM) will be responsible for ACTED accounting and financial management in-country.
  • The CFM ensures that national legislation is adhered to, and that the country specific standards are applied in ensuring efficient use of resources.
Accounting and treasury Management: Accounting management - supervise the accounting cycle for the mission:
  • Ensure timely and accurate data entries in cashbook, bankbook and SAGA following the standard descriptions defined in ACTED’s Global Finance Procedure Manual;
  • Verify and coordinate the monthly compilation accounts from each area;
  • Supervise cash and bank balance checking process when closing the monthly accounts;
  • Communicate accounts on a monthly basis to HQ, respecting SAGA procedures and deadlines in line with the monthly accounting schedule as per ACTED’s Finance Procedures;
  • Manage the presentation, circulation, filing of vouchers and archiving of accounting and financial documents in compliance with FLAT and Finance procedures (maintain an up-to-date filing follow-up: A8.01_Red Cell Game); Review on a random basis quality and compliance of documentation from areas when centralizing;
  • Supervise the Yearly and Midyear Accounting Closures for both General and Analytical Accountancy aspects (V1 and V2).
Treasury management - ensure a controlled and smooth cash management:
  • Ensure justified bank selection process, open/close bank accounts under the authority of the CEO;
  • Oversee the management of bank accounts: control, follow and make sure flows are properly lettered (advances, transfers, etc.), check balances and justifications, authorised visas; Report to HQ through the flows reporting tool A1_PRATIC;
  • Supervise the management of safes and cash: available amount, balance checks, security instructions;
  • Assess monthly cash-flow needs for projects and areas, fill and share the form A4.01_Cash Request on the 15th of each month;
  • Manage money transfers, areas cash-supply and amounts in circulation, whilst defining payment procedures (bank transfer, cheque, cash etc.);
  • Make sure donors are invoiced on time and report it through the tool A4.04_ATROCE, comply with good practices described in the Money In Acted HOUse Plan (MIAHOU).
Commitment of expenditures, budget control, & Financial Management: Commitment of expenditure - guaranty budget availability and compliance to ACTED and donor’s procedures before releasing payments:
  • Collect visas of authorised staff members, set-up commitment ceiling in local currencies, define methods and timescales for payment;
  • Before commitment / payment of any expenditure, check authorization levels, budget availability, budget line on which the expense is to be allocated to, ensuring full compliance with ACTED and donors procedures
  • Before commitment / payment of any expenditure, check authorization levels, budget availability, budget line on which the expense is to be allocated to, ensuring full compliance with ACTED and donors procedures:
    • In close coordination with the Country Logistics Manager (CLM) or equivalent, negotiate terms of contracts including payment schedule & taxes obligations; ensure that procurement procedures are adhered to; Follow-up commitments and payments through the tool A7.02_Contract Follow-Up (CFU); Ensure financial, compliance & budget control points during Purchase Committee meetings; review coherence between orders, quotations/offers, purchase orders, call for tender documentation, procurement memo, contract, invoices, receipts, works/services completion certificates; Check the receiver’s ability to endorse payment;
    • In close coordination with the Admin Team, ensure that staff contracts are in line with ACTED standard salary grid, available budgets and regulations; propose salary grids revisions based on benchmarks, national legislation and budget constraint; review and validate the payroll on the 25th of each month;
    • Validate partner’s accounting and documentation accuracy and compliance before payement.
Project budget follow-up, mission’s cost control, internal & external audits - anticipate and mitigate financial risks ensuring operations are run in a compliant and cost-efficient manner:
  • Lead Budget Follow-Up (A7.01) and Allocation Tables (A5) consolidation process;
  • Analyse/report gaps between planned budgets and actual expenses; comply to the flexibility rule;
  • Anticipate financial risks, present budget updates and mitigation plans during FLAT meetings;
  • Analyse and report monthly running costs, fleet and communication of each area (A6.01-04)
  • Prevent and report any financial and operational loss (A6.01 ACT follow-up);
  • Submit to HQ all the annexes of the internal financial follow-up reporting tool (TITANIC) by the 15th of each month;
  • Follow-up Exit Forms for international staff and make sure they are sent to HQ once validated;
  • Take the lead on external audit preparation in support to the country compliance teams if any; Contribute to opening/closeout meetings, responses to audit reports, recommendations’ implementation plans.
Project financial cycle management: Develop project budgets and reports - ensure the financial feasibility of projects, respecting ACTED and donors’ rules and deadlines:
  • Gather information from the relevant departments to consolidate budgets for project proposals according to project/mission needs and donor constraints; Propose sufficient programme and support budgets including mission’s investment plans in close link with country coordination;
  • Review and negotiate terms of grant contracts before signature (payment & financial reporting schedule, use of HQ cash-pooling system, etc.);
  • Plan, consolidate, draft & crosscheck with Project Development Department (PDD) financial reports when required (ad’hoc, interim and final), respecting contractual deadlines and rules such as flexibility, eligibility and liquidation period, etc.;
  • Follow-up payments from donors and financial project close-out (contract liquidation).
Team leadership & other tasks:
  • Update the organization chart and ToRs of the finance and administration departments (if applicable) according to the mission development;
  • Oversee the team, plan & conduct finance staff recruitment's, undertake appraisals, follow career management, identify staff with potential and contribute to ACTED internal mobility policy; Ensure training and capacity building for finance team members of ACTED and Partners in order to increase the level of technical ability and skills;
  • Actively promote strong & structured articulations with all teams (Logistics & PDD in particular); Represent ACTED with relevant finance & admin networks at country level;
  • Improve information flows within the department and with other departments;
  • Plan field monitoring missions;
  • Perform any other related activities as assigned by immediate supervisor.
  • Master's degree minimum in Finance or related area
  • 3+ years of solid experience in financial management and monitoring systems, preferably of large development programs, possibly complemented by academic expertise
  • Excellent financial and analytical skills
  • Excellent communication and drafting skills for effective reporting on programme financial performance
  • Ability to manage a financial/monitoring team and demonstrate leadership
  • Ability to monitor and evaluate financial and monitoring skills of communities through capacity-building efforts
  • Ability to operate in a cross-cultural environment requiring flexibility
  • Familiarity with the aid system, and understanding of donor and governmental requirements;
  • Prior knowledge of the region an asset
  • Fluency in English required - ability to communicate in local languages an asset
  • Ability to operate Microsoft Word, Excel and Project Management software
  • Salary defined by the ACTED salary grid; educational level, expertise, hardship, security, and performance are considered for pay bonus
  • Additional monthly living allowance
  • Free food and lodging provided at the organisation’s guesthouse
  • Transportation costs covered, including additional return ticket + luggage allowance
  • Provision of medical, life, and repatriation insurance.
    Job Title: Project Development Manager Ref: PDM/NIA Location: Maiduguri, Borno Contract: Fixed term Duration 12 months Starting Date: ASAP Position Profile Positioning and Fundraising:
  • Context Analysis:
    • Analyse the country’s socio-economic situation, (donor) trends, needs and gaps;
    • Regularly conduct stakeholder analysis, in particular who does what and where (3W)
    • Alert the Country Director of gaps and emerging needs in order to trigger assessments in a timely manner;
  • Strategy Development:
    • Contribute to the development of a country programme strategy in alignment with ACTED global/regional strategy;
    • Assist the CD in identifying strategic opportunities for expanding ACTED’s work in the country;
  • External Relations:
    • Maintain active and regular working relationships with donors and act as point of contact for all donor communication, including the coordination of donor visits in the field;
    • Maintain active and regular working relationships with other NGOs, UN agencies, clusters, working groups, Alliance2015, consortia and academia;
    • Ensure the establishment and regular update of a directory of donors, international and local NGOs, other partners and stakeholders;
    • Lead the reporting to national and local authorities as required by ACTED registration/legal status in country;
    • In the absence of Technical Coordinators, represent ACTED in key clusters, working groups, HCT and (I)NGO coordination bodies.
  • Fundraising and Proposal Development:
    • Identify funding opportunities;
    • Identify new donors for diversifying ACTED donors’ portfolio including private companies and private foundations;
    • Contribute to the identification of potential relevant international and/or local partners (private sector partners, national and international NGOs, think tanks, academia, etc.) to be included in proposals;
    • Update on a monthly basis the Donor Follow Up (DFU) which documents latest negotiations and proposal possibilities with donors;
    • Liaise with AMEU to contribute to the ToRs of assessments to be conducted for proposal development and ensure their input in the logframe development (in particular the formulation of SMART indicators);
    • Oversee the development of fundraising documents (Expression of Interests, concept notes, proposals) in line with ACTED country strategy and donor requirements and in close collaboration with ACTED HQ GMU (Grant Management Unit) and finance;
    • Liaise with Area Coordinators, Project Managers and Technical Coordinators to ensure that proposals are relevant and technically sound;
    • Ensure that learning from previous projects (e.g. lessons learnt and best practices) is incorporated into new proposals;
    • Ensure the involvement of FLATS teams in the development of fundraising documents, particularly finance for the budget and logistics in case of specific donor procurement rules.
  • Contracting:
    • Support the Country Director in negotiating proposals and/or contracts with donors;
    • Address in a timely manner all comments by donors on proposals in liaison with relevant staff in country and ACTED HQ GMU and finance;
    • Read thoroughly all contracts before signature, seeking ACTED HQ GMU and finance advice when required.
Grant Management:
  • Contract follow-up:
    • Ensure that contractual obligations (including visibility requirements) and reporting
    • When any issue is identified in meeting deliverables in the given timeframe and budget, inform relevant staff in country and seek ACTED HQ Program Department advice on potential solutions that would meet donor rules.
  • Reporting:
    • Ensure project kick-off and close out meetings are conducted for each project;
    • Oversee the development of quality narrative reports, reflecting the progress and status of projects in a transparent, timely and professional manner, in liaison with ACTED HQ GMU and finance, which will contribute ultimately to steady cash inflow;
    • Liaise with FLATS teams when preparing reports, esp. with finance to ensure greater coherence between financial and narrative reports by crosschecking the matching of data in the narrative and financial reports;
    • Work in close relation with AMEU to incorporate AME data (incl. data on input, process, output, outcome and impact indicators, lessons learnt and best practices) in reports and review M&E reports from AMEU;
    • Update monthly the Reporting Follow Up (RFU) and ensure smooth and regular communication with ACTED HQ GMU;
    • Ensure ad hoc requests from donors are addressed in liaison with the CD, Programme and support teams.
  • Partner Follow-up:
    • Liaise with partners to develop and sign relevant grant agreements in close coordination with ACTED HQ GMU and finance;
    • Ensure all potential partners have a clear understanding of what is expected in terms of reporting so as to comply with ACTED and donor requirements and regulations;
    • Ensure partners report to ACTED in a timely and qualitative manner as per the requirements of the grant agreement.
Management and Internal Coordination:
  • Staff Management:
    • Ensure that staff in the department understands and is able to perform its roles and responsibilities;
    • Manage a team of Project Development Officers, Interns and Assistants delineating their responsibilities and follow-up the work plans and day-to-day activities;
    • Ensure a positive working environment and good team dynamics;
    • Manage interpersonal conflicts between departmental staff members;
    • Undertake regular appraisals of staff and follow career management;
    • Identify the PDD training needs, discuss plans with the coordination and HR for both internal and external trainings, and implement them according to PDD strategic and operational priorities;
    • Coach, train, and mentor the PDD team with the aim of strengthening their technical capacity, exchanging knowledge within the PDD team and providing professional development guidance.
  • Internal Coordination and Communication:
    • Facilitate interdepartmental communication and information sharing from the Base, to the Area, Capital, and even up to the regional and HQ offices by ensuring implementation of ACTED coordination mechanisms (WAM, MCM) and dissemination to relevant staff;
    • Ensure these meeting minutes are sent monthly to HQ;
    • Ensure regular and clear communication with ACTED HQ GMU and finance to keep it updated about latest development, so that GMU can best advice you ahead of a task.
  • Filing:
    • Implement a filing system end ensure the proper filing of contractual project documents both in hard and soft copies;
    • Together with AMEU, set up a Resource Centre at the office regularly updated with appropriate and relevant external and internal resources.
External Communication:
  • Oversee the PDD’s contributions to ACTED’s external communication strategy by feeding regularly ACTED HQ Communication Department with informal updates on projects, a flash news, pictures, articles on projects progress and/or specific events for ACTED communication tools, including, but not limited to, ACTED Newsletter, websites and ACTED Annual Report;
  • Ensure the continuum of PR activities, including formal presentations, engaging media for coverage on success stories, updating project-specific and regional fact sheets, and documenting publications featuring ACTED in the media;
  • Manage ACTED’s in country communication activities including media visits, photographer’s mission, videos, etc.;
  • Oversee the update and design of in country communication and visibility tools and publications, their dissemination and availability to ACTED teams, as well as the capitalization of media and pictures of the mission;
  • Follow, contribute to, draft and disseminate position papers, statements, reports and releases on ACTED’s engagements and humanitarian advocacy, in line with ACTED’s in country and global strategy as well as positioning, in close collaboration with the country director as well as HQ communication and programme departments.
  • Postgraduate Diploma in International Development and (or) relevant Master’s level Degree (Anthropology, Development Studies, Humanitarian Aid, Sociology)
  • Strong writing abilities and analytical skills
  • Skills in political sciences or international relations
  • Ability to work efficiently under pressure
  • Previous experience in the humanitarian field, proposals development, and donor relations are required
  • Previous experience abroad is required
  • Salary defined by the ACTED salary grid; educational level, expertise, hardship, security, and performance are considered for pay bonus
  • Additional monthly living allowance
  • Free food and lodging provided at the organization’s guesthouse
  • Transportation costs covered, + luggage allowance
  • Provision of medical, life, and repatriation insurance
    Job Title: Project Manager Shelter Location: Maiduguri, Borno Position Profile Project Planning:
  • Develop overall project implementation strategy, systems, approaches, tools, and materials
  • Organize project kick-off and close-out meetings
  • Plan the various stages of project implementation and set direction by prioritizing and organizing activities and resources to achieve project objectives
Project Implementation Follow-up:
  • Oversee and manage the implementation of the project ensuring that technical quality and standards are considered and respected during project(s) implementation
  • Organize regular project coordination meetings with project team
  • Ensure budget utilization and physical target achievements are reviewed at least once a month as per work plan
  • Ensure project implementation is on time, target and budget, using effective M&E systems to reach desired impacts
  • Ensure that the project is implemented in accordance with relevant ACTED technical guidelines and standards
  • Anticipate and mitigate risks and trouble-shoot any unforeseen challenges during the project implementation
  • Regular update the work plan, output tracker, PMF and other documents relevant for effective project management
Administration and Operational Management of Project Implementation:
  • Finance:
    • Review the BFU(s) and provide accurate forecasts with BOQs
    • Forecast monthly cash requirements of the project and submit to AC
  • Logistics:
    • Contribute to the development of Procurement plans
    • Send accurate and precise order forms in a timely manner
    • Contribute to quality checks and procurement committees to finalise suppliers’ selection according to applicable scenario
    • Confirm quality of material selection if and when applicable
    • Ensure a proper management and use of the project assets and stocks
    • Plan team movements based on available fleet and applicable policies
  • Administration/HR:
    • Participate in the recruitment of technical staff (development of organigrams, ToRs, elaborating the tests and reviewing them; interviews etc)
    • Ensure that project staff understand and are able to perform their roles and responsibilities
    • Follow-up the work plans and day-to-day activities of the project staff
    • Manage the project staff in cooperation with Area Coordinators
    • Ensure a positive working environment and good team dynamics
    • Undertake regular appraisals of staff and follow career management
    • Manage interpersonal conflicts
    • Ensure capacity building among staff in relevant sectors
  • Transparency:
    • Ensure project records and documents (Flat files, beneficiary list, donation certificates, attendance sheets etc) are adequately prepared, compiled and filed according to ACTED procedures
    • Ensure staff awareness of, and respect of, ACTED’s code of conduct and FLATS procedures
  • Security:
    • Ensure that each member of the project team is aware of security issues, policies, SOPs and they follow them accordingly
    • In cooperation with the relevant Security Officer, monitor the local security situation and inform the Country Director or Area Coordinator and Country or Area Security Officer of developments through regular written reports;
    • Contribute to the updating of the security guidelines in the project area of intervention;
External Relations:
  • Support, facilitate or undertake communication and liaison activities to actively consult and involve beneficiaries, key informants, actors, partners and stakeholders in all stages of project design and implementation
  • Cultivate good relations with key humanitarian actors - local and international, including government authorities and non-state actors, through regular attendance at technical meetings and bilateral meetings
  • Ensure that at all times contact with beneficiaries is conducted in a sensitive and respectful manner
  • Where relevant, liaise with donors and work closely with partners on project updates, site visits and other communication
  • Identify opportunities to collaborate and coordinate efforts with other organizations to ensure our activities build upon - rather than replicate - the work of others
Quality Control:
  • Assess the activities undertaken and ensure efficient use of resources;
  • Undertake regular field visits to provide technical guidance and supervision as well as regularly monitor the progress of project activities
  • Ensure lessons learned are documented, shared and reflected in project planning and decision making
  • Advise on, and assist with, project reviews conducted by AMEU
  • Ensure quality control, analysis of added-value and impact, identification and capitalization on best practices and lessons learnt and provide relevant feedback for new project development
  • Identify and analyse gaps, ACTED’s added value, synergies and opportunities in the areas the project(s) is / are implemented and pass relevant information to the N+1
  • Provide regular and timely updates on progress and challenges to supervisors and other team members
  • Draft (internal) narrative reports and contribute to the development of financial reports through regular budgetary follow up.
  • Contribute to drafting of (external) project progress and challenges to supervisors and other team members
  • Draft (internal) narrative reports and contribute to the development of financial reports through regular budgetary follow up.
  • Contribute to drafting of (external) project progress reports, ensuring the quality and accuracy of technical information provided
  • University degree in a relevant field, including project management, architecture/engineering or other related field
  • 3+ years of field experience in humanitarian relief and/or development programs focused on shelter construction and settlement planning, ideally within urban emergency contexts
  • Knowledge of global (and preferably locally-adapted) shelter standards and practices
  • Knowledge of and practical experience in the development of training modules and methodologies for community-driven shelter approaches, HLP promotion, and other relevant approaches
  • Knowledge of and experience with donor practices and requirements, the project cycle process, and humanitarian or development program solicitations and applications
  • Knowledge of and experience with program monitoring and evaluation
  • Understanding of operational guidelines and project management tools, including notably budget management
  • Ability to operate Microsoft Word, Excel and Project Management software required
  • Salary defined by the ACTED salary grid; educational level, expertise, hardship, security, and performance are considered for pay bonus
  • Additional monthly living allowance
  • Free food and lodging provided at the organization’s guesthouse
  • Transportation costs covered, including additional return ticket + luggage allowance
  • Provision of medical, life, and repatriation insurance
    Job Title: Project Development Officer Location: Maiduguri, Borno Department: Reporting Contract: CDD Duration 6 months Starting date: ASAP Position Profile Fundraising:
  • Context Analysis
  • External relations
  • Fundraising and proposal development
  • Contribute to addressing in a timely manner all comments by donors on proposals in liaison with relevant staff in country and ACTED HQ GMU and finance;
  • Read thoroughly all contracts before signature, seeking ACTED HQ GMU and finance advice when required.
Grant Management - Contract follow-up:
  • Ensure that contractual obligations (including visibility requirements) and reporting deadlines are known and met by Programme, AMEU and FLATS team;
  • When any issue is identified in meeting deliverables in the given timeframe and budget, inform relevant staff in country and seek ACTED HQ Program Department advice on potential solutions that would meet donor rules.
  • Participate in and take minutes of kick-off and close out meetings for each project
  • Write quality narrative reports, reflecting the progress and status of projects in a transparent, timely and professional manner, in liaison with ACTED HQ GMU and finance, which will contribute ultimately to steady cash inflow;
  • Work in close relation with AMEU to incorporate AME data (incl. data on input, process, output, outcome and impact indicators, lessons learnt and best practices) in reports and review M&E reports from AMEU;
  • Liaise with FLATS teams when preparing reports, especially with finance to ensure greater coherence between financial and narrative reports by crosschecking the matching of data in the narrative and financial reports;
  • Contribute to the monthly update of the Reporting Follow Up (RFU) and ensure smooth and regular communication with ACTED HQ GMU.
  • Ensure ad hoc requests from donors are addressed in liaison with the CD, programme and support teams;
Partner Follow-up:
  • Liaise with partners when required to develop relevant grant agreements in close coordination with ACTED HQ GMU and finance;
  • Ensure partners report to ACTED in a timely and qualitative manner as per the requirements of the grant agreement.
Management and Internal Coordination Staff Management (if any):
  • Manage a Project Development Intern and/or Assistant(s) if any, following up the work plans and day-to-day activities;
  • Mentor the PDI and/ or PDA with the aim of strengthening their technical capacity.
Internal Coordination and Communication:
  • Facilitate interdepartmental communication and information sharing from the Base, to the Area, Capital, and even up to the regional and HQ offices by taking minutes of the various ACTED coordination meetings
  • Ensure these meeting minutes are sent monthly to HQ;
  • Keep ACTED HQ GMU and finance updated on latest developments, opportunities and challenges so that GMU can best advice on the way forward.
  • File properly contractual project documents both in hard and soft copies;
  • Update regularly the Resource Centre at the office with appropriate and relevant external and internal resources.
External Communication:
  • Contribute to ACTED external communication strategy by feeding regularly ACTED HQ Communication Department with informal updates on projects, a flash news, pictures, articles on projects progress and/or specific events for ACTED communication tools, including, but not limited to, ACTED Newsletter, websites and ACTED Annual Report;
  • Ensure the update and design of in country communication and visibility tools and publications, their dissemination and availability to ACTED teams, as well as the capitalization of media and pictures of the mission;
Qualifications Required qualifications and technical competencies
  • Postgraduate diploma in International Development and (or) relevant Master’s level degree (anthropology, development studies, humanitarian aid, sociology)
  • Fluency in written and spoken English
  • Strong writing abilities and analytical skills
  • Skills in political sciences or international relations
  • Ability to work efficiently under pressure
  • Previous experience in the humanitarian field, proposals development, and donor relations are required
  • Previous experience abroad is required
  • Salary defined by the ACTED salary grid; educational level, expertise, hardship, security, and performance are considered for pay bonus
  • Additional monthly living allowance
  • Free food and lodging provided at the organisation’s guesthouse/or housing allowance (depending on contract length and country of assignment)
  • Transportation costs covered, including additional return ticket + luggage allowance
  • Provision of medical, life, and repatriation insurance
    Job Title: Area Coordinator Ref: AC/NIA Location: Maiduguri Department: Regional direction Contract: Fixed term Duration: 12 months Starting date: ASAP Position profile
  • The Area Coordinator is responsible for the implementation of ACTED’s global mandate in the relevant area, and for the scope of activities developed within this mandate.
Responsibilities Ensure ACTED Representation in the area of activity:
  • Representation vis-a-vis provincial authorities
  • Representation vis-a-vis Donors
  • Representation amongst other international organisations
  • More generally, the project manager is expected to contribute to the creation of a positive image and overall credibility of the organisation, notably through the application of ACTED’s mandate, ethics, values and stand-point with regard to other actors.
Contribute to the development of a global intervention strategy and to support its implementation at provincial level:
  • Analyse the context and develop strategic plans, in consultation with the Country Director
  • Implement the financial strategy
  • Implement the operational strategy
  • Oversee reporting procedures.
Oversee Staff and Security:
  • Guide and direct the staff of the area of intervention
  • Contribute to the recruitment of expatriate staff
  • Oversee staff security.
  • Master Level education in a relevant field such as International Relations or Development
  • Extensive project management experience (management, planning, staff development and training skills) in emergency and/or development programmes
  • At least four years of previous work experience in a high management position
  • Proven capabilities in leadership and management required
  • Excellent skills in written and spoken English
  • Strong negotiation and interpersonal skills, and flexibility in cultural and organizational terms
  • Knowledge of local language and/or regional experience an asset
  • Ability to work well and punctually under pressure.
  • Salary defined by the ACTED salary grid; educational level, expertise, hardship, security, and performance are considered for pay bonus
  • Additional monthly living allowance
  • Free food and lodging provided at the organisation’s guesthouse
  • Transportation costs covered, including additional return ticket + luggage allowance
  • Provision of medical, life, and repatriation insurance.
    How To Apply Interested and qualified candidates should send their Applications including Cover Letter, CV and References to:   Application Deadline  14th April, 2018.