Fountain Stocks is a leading retailer of outdoor gear and apparel, specializing in camping, hiking, and water sports equipment. Our team of experienced professionals work together to deliver exceptional customer service and drive business results.
We are recruiting to fill the position below:
Job Title: Cashier
Location: Nigeria
Employment Type: Full-time
N250,000 - N400,000 monthly.
How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should send their Application, including their Resume, cover letter to: using the job title as the subject of the mail.
Note: If you're a highly skilled Cashier looking to take your career to the next level, we want to hear from you!
Application Deadline 31st March, 2025.
Client Service Manager at West Indian Ocean Cable Company (WIOCC)
Receptionist at Pazino Engineering & Construction Company Limited (Pazino ECC)
Receptionist at Baron Sanitary and Tap Limited
Office Administrator / Receptionist at ARET Environmental Services
Receptionist at the Embassy of the Republic of Korea to the Federal Republic of Nigeria
Visual Merchandiser at BrandCo Nigeria Limited
Customer Service Representative at Gourmet Twist
Customer Service Representative at Saint Rufina - ARO Management
Customer Service Representatives (Igbo) at Seven-Up Bottling Company
Quality Control (QC) Coordinator at Oilserv Limited
Bank Reconciliator at Great Brands Nigeria Limited
Zonal Sales Manager at PZ Cussons Nigeria Plc
Valuation Analyst or Specialists in a Reputable Federal Government Agency
Chief Inspector in a Reputable Federal Government Agency
Actuarial & Data Analyst or Specialists in a Reputable Federal Government Agency
IT Infrastructure & Data Security Specialists in a Reputable Federal Government Agency
Professional Accountants (IFRS & IPSAS) in a Reputable Federal Government Agency
Product Manager at Carbon Nigeria
Regulatory Auditor at a Reputable Federal Government Agency - Africa Technology Hub Limited