''....Let all the house of Israel therefore know ...
''....Let all the house of Israel therefore know assuredly that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified ...As a reaction to this declaration, the Jews
Decided to kill Peter and the apostles
Went back to their houses in anger
Were deeply troubled and asked what they should do
Ridiculed Peter and the apostles
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it because it marked the day that He ...
Which of the following did Paul admonish the Philippians to manifest as a virtue of humility? ...
''Give me also this power, that any one whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit'...
Peter ascribed to Christians all the following titles except ...
The Last Supper took place during the Passover on the first day of ...
In making use of their individual talents, St. Paul enjoined Christians to ...
The parable which teaches the need for love for one's neighbor is that of the ...