The main aim of the teaching of Christ's humility in ...
The main aim of the teaching of Christ's humility in Paul's Letter to the Philippians is that every Christian should
Regard himself as equal to Jesus because He came in human form
Confess that Jesus Chirst is LORD to the glory of God the Father
Work out his own salvation with fear and trembling
Look into the interest of others and do nothing from selfishness
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The Israelite under Barak defeated the Canaanite troops led by ...
God sent Jonah to the city of Nineveh to ...
Jesus cured the paralytic man in the city of ...
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Hosea's message for Israel is centered on ...
'Then Saul fell at once full length upon the ground, filled with fear because of the words of Sa...
Paul said” but covet earnestly the best gift and yet I show you a more excellent way”. W...