The Acts of the Apostles shows clearly that the power beh...
The Acts of the Apostles shows clearly that the power behind the spread of the Gospel is
Jesus Christ
The apostles
The Holy Spirit
Correct answer is E
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
In prophet Amos' message, the phrase " you who afflict the righteous" implies ...
When Jesus healed the paralytic, the Scribes accused him of ...
During the creative activity of God, He made the beasts ...
The story of Gehazi demonstrated God's hatred for ...
Paul in Romans exhorts Christians to use their individual talents with ...
Paul's letter to Philemon was written to ...
During the rebuilding of the Temple, the greatest opposition came from the ...
St. John referred to Jesus' miracles as signs because they convey all the following except the ...
''....I adjure you by God, do not torment me...'' what is the significance of this s...