All that you have commanded us we will do, and wherever y...
All that you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go. Just as we obeyed Moses in all things, so we will obey you....' This pledge was made to Joshua by the
Reubenities, the Gadites and part of the tribe of Manasseh
Twelve tribes of Israel
Two spies sent to Jericho
Seventy elders
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The first to preach in Samaria according to the Acts of the Apostles was ...
"....Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice and to hearken than the fat of rams" This st...
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''Give me also this power, that any one whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit'...
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During his first missionary journey, Paul was stoned at ...
The laws given by Moses to the children of Israel in Sinai have striking similarities with the ...
For he said unto him” come out of the man, thou unclean spirit. And he asked him what in thy n...
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