Which of the following gases will rekindle a brightly spl...
Which of the following gases will rekindle a brightly splint?
Correct answer is C
Nitrogen(I)Oxide rekindles a brightly glowing splinter but extinguishes a feebly glowing one which is not hot enough to decompose the gas to liberate oxygen
The most suitable substance for putting out petrol fire is ...
A given amount of gas occupies 10.0dm\(^3\) at 4atm and 273°C. The number of moles of the g...
2-methylprop-1-ene is an isomer of ...
What is the atomic number of Radium? ...
How many cations will be produced from a solution of potassium aluminium tetraoxosulphate (VI)? ...
The vulcanizer's solution is prepared by dissolving rubber in ...
Which of the following ions has the electron configuration 2,8,8? ...