Fats and oils can be obtained from any of the following s...
Fats and oils can be obtained from any of the following sources except
paraffin oil
palm kernel
Correct answer is A
Paraffin oil is gotten from petroleum distillation and can't be a source of fats and oil.
Catalytic hydrogenation of benzene produces ...
Sodium and potassium belong to the same group of the Periodic Table. This is because? ...
The octane number of zero is assigned to ...
Which of these radioactive elements is commonly used as a nuclear fuel ...
Which of the following is an example of a chemical change? ...
The hydroxyl ion concentrated, (OH-), in a solution of sodium hydroxide of pH 10.0 is?...
How many moles are there in 3.0 g of O2? [O = 16.0]...
What is the value of n in the following equation? XO-4 +8H + + ne- → X2 + + 4H2O...