Some metals are extracted from their ores after some prel...
Some metals are extracted from their ores after some preliminary treatments by electrolysis (L), some of both processes (TL). Which set-up in the following for the extraction of ion, copper and aluminium is correct?
lron (L), copper (L) aluminium (T)
lron (T) copper (L) aluminium (T)
lron (TL) copper (TL) aluminium (TL)
Iron (L) copper (T) aluminium (T)
lron (T) copper (L), aluminium (TL)
Correct answer is E
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Use the option above to answer this question. The structure of benzoic acid is...
In which of the following is the oxidation number of sulphur equal to -2? ...
The inert gases are ____ in water ...
Which of the following sources of energy contributes to green-house effect? ...