The hottest part of the gas flame is known as
...The hottest part of the gas flame is known as
luminous zone
dark zone
blue zone
non-luminous zone
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The IUPAC name of the compound represented by the structure below is ? ...
Which of the following types of reactions takes place between C2H6 and the halogens? ...
The functional group represented in the compound above is? ...
What is the IUPAC name for the hydrocarbon...
mE + nF → pG + qH. In the equation above, the equilibrium constant is given by? ...
Which of the following statements is correet for a reaction at equilibrium? ...
From the above diagram; The caustic soda in the conical flask serves to ...
For the reaction 2Fe3+ 2I- \(\to\) 2Fe2+ + I2, which of the following statements is TRUE?...