Animal charcoal differs from wood charcoal in that it
...Animal charcoal differs from wood charcoal in that it
has a dark colour
has a high carbon content
is a good absorbent
is crystalline.
is rich in phosphate content
Correct answer is E
Animal charcoal or bone black is the carbonaceous residue obtained by the dry distillation of bones. It contains only about 10% carbon, the remaining being calcium and magnesium phosphates (80%) and other inorganic material originally present in the bones.
Air boiled out of water as steam is richer in ...
Chromatography is used to separate components of mixtures which differ in their rates of? ...
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The name of the compound CH3C(CH3)2CH2CH2CH3...
A mixture of NaCI(s) and CaCO3(s) is best separated by...
Four elements W, X, Y and Z have atomic number 2,6,16 and 20 respectiv...
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