In which of the following compound (s) will heat be absor...
In which of the following compound (s) will heat be absorbed on adding water?
l. KNO3 II. Concentrated H2SO4 III. NH4CI
I only
lll only
l and lll only
ll and lll only
Correct answer is C
KNO3 and NH4Cl both undergo endothermic.
Calcium is usually extracted by the electrolysis of its ...
A suitable solvent for iodine and naphthalene is ...
A sample of temporary hard water can be prepared in the laboratory by? ...
Which of the following atoms contains the highest number of electrons in the outermost shell? ...
One of the major uses of alkane is? ...
What is the chemical symbol for Dysprosium? ...
When a compound X is heated with concentrated tetraoxosulphate(VI)acid, it produces an alk...
Potassium tetraoxomanganate (VII) is often added to impure water to? ...
Which of the following gases contains the least number of atoms at s.t.p? ...