In order to ensure that crop and animal diseases are not ...
In order to ensure that crop and animal diseases are not transferred across international boundaries, government must
Have a programme on agricultural education
Endeavour to produce only disease resistant species
Have and enforce quarantine services
Increase surveillance of its borders by security agents
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Oil palm trees do well in soils with pH level of ...
The continuous removal of forest tress without replacement is known as ...
The general symptoms of malnutrition in animals include the following except ...
An important forage crop in West Africa is ...
The farm animal whose skin or hide cannot be used for leather production is ...
Which of the following classes of nutrient is used only for energy production in farm animals? ...
Which of the following is not an abiotic condition that affects livestock production? ...
Mechanical power is not usually required in? ...
The factors that can predispose animals to diseases include the following except ...