Mechanical power is not usually required in?
...Mechanical power is not usually required in?
Soil tillage
Fertilizer application
Staking of yams
Planting of seeds
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Which of the following statements about threshing of rice are true? I.Rice grains are separated f...
Which of the following crops is propagated by suckers? ...
Established pasture cannot be harvested by ...
By-products of livestock used as feed ingredients in poultry ration include ...
Fertilizing a fish pond with compost manure would most likely ...
A plant not normally used as green manure is ...
The least important factor for successful incubation of eggs is ...
Farm drainage does not lead to ...
Which of the following statements about soil organisms is false? ...
Financial assistance from government to the farmers is usually in the following forms except &nbs...