The land use Decree of 1978 vested lands in each state of...
The land use Decree of 1978 vested lands in each state of the country on the
State governors
President of the country
Commissioner for agriculture
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The fencing and partitioning of a pastureland into paddocks is meant to? ...
If T represents the gene for tallness while t represents dwarfness The genotypic ratio of the sec...
What are abiotic factors in an agricultural ecosystem? ...
The least important factor for successful incubation of eggs is ...
Which of the following mineral elements is essential for chlorophyll formation? ...
Which of the following parasites of livestock is an hermaphrodite? ...
Rural farmers mostly obtain loans from ...
Which of the following will not be a reason for afforestation? ...
The machine used for removing seeds from maize cobs is called a ...
The relationship between the microorganisms and plant in the nitrogen cycle is best described as ...