The fencing and partitioning of a pastureland into paddoc...
The fencing and partitioning of a pastureland into paddocks is meant to?
Suppress weeds that compete with pasture crops
Control grazing and ensure regeneration of pasture
Allow free movement of ruminants on the pasture
Prevent lodging of the pasture plants
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Embryonic membranes do not include ...
When the government provides subsidies in agriculture, ...
Marketing processes do not include ...
Subsidies are given to farmers in the form of ...
The hormone that prevents abortion or expulsion of the foetus during pregnancy is ...
A soil which consists of a mixture of and, silt and clay in equal quantities is described as ...
Which of the following statements about soil water is true? ...
Excessive drainage of soil water can be checked by the addition of adequate quantities of ...