How many lone pairs of electron are there on the central ...
How many lone pairs of electron are there on the central atom of the H2O molecules?
Correct answer is B
In a water molecule, oxygen is bonded to two hydrogen atoms. Leaving oxygen with four electrons which pair up with one another to form two lone pairs of electrons.
3Cl2 + 2NH3 → N2 + 6HCl. In the above reaction, ammonia acts as...
If the value of ΔH is positive for a reaction, it means that the reaction is? ...
River contaminated by alkali waste will have a pH of about. ...
Sieving is a technique used to separate mixtures containing solid particles of ...
Which of the following substances is mainly responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer? ...
To obtain pure carbon(ii)oxide from its mixture with carbon(iv)oxide, the mixture should be? ...