To obtain pure carbon(ii)oxide from its mixture with carb...
To obtain pure carbon(ii)oxide from its mixture with carbon(iv)oxide, the mixture should be?
Passed over heated copper(ii)oxide
Bubbled through water
Bubbled through conc H\(_2\)SO\(_4\)
Bubbled through conc NAOH
Correct answer is D
carbon(ii)oxide is prepared from carbon(iv)oxide by passing the latter through red-hot carbon and the unchanged CO\(_2\) is removed when the mixture of the gases through conc NAOH.
The IUPAC name for CH\(_3\)CH\(_2\)COOCH\(_2\)CH\(_3\) is...
Which of the following properties is NOT peculiar to matter? ...
A mixture is different from a compound because ...
What is the colour of phenolphthalein indicator in a basic medium? ...
Which of the following statements about volatile liquids is correct? They have ...
what dose the following equation illustrate? \( ^{238}U_{92} → ^{234}Th_{90} + ^4 He_2 \)...