Carbon (II) oxide is considered dangerous if inhaled main...
Carbon (II) oxide is considered dangerous if inhaled mainly because it?
can cause injury to the nervous system
competes with oxygen in the blood
competes with carbon (IV) oxide in the blood
can cause lung cancer
Correct answer is B
Carbon monoxide is harmful when breathed because it displaces oxygen in the blood and deprives the heart, brain and other vital organs of oxygen.
C(s) + 2S(g) → CS2(g) ΔH = +89 kJ mol-1 The chemical equation above implies that...
Protons and electrons are called fundamental particles because they---------- ...
The conclusion from Rutherford's from radioactive substance alpha-scattering experiment is that ...
The set-up above would be useful for determining the amount of ...
What is the PH of 0.00 1 moldm3 solution of the sodium hydroxide...