Where no absolute majority is obtained in the first round...
Where no absolute majority is obtained in the first round of elections the most viable option is the
simple majority
proportional representation
second ballot
bye- election
second ballot withdrawal
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Which of the following is an advantage a country derives from international relations? ...
Nigeria's diplomatic representative in British is known as ...
The Secretary of State for the colonies was responsible for ...
The supreme power of a state to make and enforce laws within its jurisdiction is called ...
Residual powers in a federation are exercised by the ...
Which of the following statements is not correct about Nigeria's Foreign Policy during the civil...
Power is transformed into legal authority through ...
The constitution of federal system is usually ...
Which of the following justifies the Afro-centric foreign policy of Nigeria? ...
Two foreigners that directly aroused nationalist feelings among Nigerians are ...