Residual powers in a federation are exercised by the
...Residual powers in a federation are exercised by the
federal government
federal and state governments
state governments
federal and local governments
Correct answer is C
Any area not covered in the Constitution is considered to be within the states' powers to make laws and is called a residual power.
In the federation of Nigeria, states are equally represented in the ...
Political power is concerned with the ...
Which of the following countries was a former French territory in West Africa? ...
Who founded the Unity Party of Nigeria in the Second Republic? ...
The conference convened to discuss the provisions of the Macpherson Constitution was held in? ...
A major problem of political parties in Nigeria during the First Republic was that all ...
In a parliamentary system,the term shadow cabinet is often used to refer to ...
Confederal systems of government means ...
An important feature of the traditional government in West Africa was the Council of ...