Hexadecimal numbers are a mixture of
...Hexadecimal numbers are a mixture of
Octal and decimal numbers
Binary and octal numbers
Letters and decimal digits
Binary and decimal numbers
Correct answer is C
The hexadecimal number system is described as a 16 digit number representation of numbers from 0 - 9 (decimal digits) and digits from A - F (letters)
In hexadecimal number system, B, D and F represent which of the following decimal numbers? ...
The logic equation for the logic-circuit in the diagram above is? ...
The acronym IP address has its full meaning to be _________ ...
In changing the storage location of a file, the command to use is_______ ...
Which number base system is used by low level languages ...
The speed of a processor is measured in? ...
Which of the following symbols is not a relational operator in BASIC programming language? ...
An input device that converts an image into text is known as? ...