The device primarily used to provide hardcopy is the?
...The device primarily used to provide hardcopy is the?
card reader
computer console
Correct answer is A
Printer is an output device that is primarily used to provide hardcopy in the form of paper
Which of the following was used by Joseph Marie Jacquad in inventing the Loom? ...
The conversion of 11001 2 to base 10 equals_______...
The protocol used for email transmission is known as ? ...
In Figure 1, the value of Z when X = 1 and Y=0 is? ...
The part of the Corel Draw window labelled II in the diagram above is called? ...
The process of restarting the computer system is known as? ...
Napier's Bone was designed purposely for calculation of? ...
What is the permanent memory built into your computer called? ...