A country is said to be democratic if
...A country is said to be democratic if
gerrymandering exists
there are free and fair elections
citizens are disenfranchised
the press is owned by the government
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The main goal of the NNDP was to ...
Nigeria belongs to all the following international organization except the ...
In parliamentary system of government a vote of no confidence means expression of disapproval of ...
ECOWAS main achievement in recent years has been in the area of ...
A meeting of the legislature is usually brought to an end with __________ ...
Those who believe in democracy and good governance are opposed to a single party system because? ...
In a cabinet system of government, executive power is exercised by the ...
An alien who has lived in Nigeria for twenty years may acquire citizenship by ...
An association whose ultimate aim is to influence government policies is known as ...