Which of the following is not a factor that promotes demo...
Which of the following is not a factor that promotes democratic electoral system?
political consciousness
periodic election
up-to-date electoral register
popularity of the governor
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
A constitution is said to be rigid if it ...
Which of the following was not responsible for the coalition between A. G and N. C. N. C.? ...
In a military regime, the arms of government that are usually fused are _________ ...
To which of the following groups did Nigeria belong during the formative stage of Oau? ...
The lbadan Conference of 1950 was convened to discuss the provisions of the .... ...
In the First Republic, the official opposition party was the .......... ...
The modern concept of the rule of law was introduced by ...
The theory of Socialism was popularised by ...
Elective principle was introduced in the British colonies after ...