The administrative structure adopted in the French coloni...
The administrative structure adopted in the French colonial territories was
more of a centralized administration
focused mainly on traditional rulers
favourable to the African age grades
for the development of African culture
Correct answer is A
The French administration install a very centralized federalist administration in their territory, a system of direct rule.
Communalism ensures that everybody within the society is provided ...
African members of the Commonwealth of Nationals include all the following nations group except ...
The best form of government for a heterogeneous society is a ...
One challenge associated with presidential system of Government ...
The principle of rule of law was popularized by ...
The power to exercise overall control of the executive functions of ECOWAS is vested in the ...
The fundamental assumption on which the idea of the rule of law is based is ...
The judicial order requiring a detained person to be brought before a judge is the writ of ...