One challenge associated with presidential system of Gove...
One challenge associated with presidential system of Government
Aim of government
separation of power
The Senate president
Fusion of power
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The National Assembly in the second republic was made up of the________ ...
As a political ideology, communism seeks to ...
The principle aim of pressure groups is to ...
Countries adopt unitary system of government because it __________ ...
The immediate cause of the January 15 1966 military coup in Nigeria was the ...
The Barclay's Bank and the British Petroleum Company in Nigeria were nationalized in the late&nb...
Generally, a political party with only manifestoes without fulfillment is a/an _____ ...
A chief could be deposed in the pre-colonial era if he ...
Judges in the International Court of Justice are appointed for a period of _____ years. ...