The struggle by the chiefs and people West Africa against...
The struggle by the chiefs and people West Africa against political, social and economic dominance by European powers was referred to as
Correct answer is B
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The law of libel limits a citizen's right to freedom of ...
A "Yes" or No" vote on a specific political issue in a country is called ________ ...
One of the merits of indirect Rule system was that it ...
The primary objective of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is to ...
During the cold war, Nigeria's foreign policy was characterized by ...
Government-owned companies operating in the economic sector are referred to as ...
Dispute among member state of ECOWAS are settled by _________? ...
In the Second Republic, the total membership of each House of Assembly was determined by the ...
One of the features of a sovereign state is that it ...
Political values are acquired in any given society through ...