In the Second Republic, the total membership of each Hous...
In the Second Republic, the total membership of each House of Assembly was determined by the
electoral commission
political parties
Correct answer is C
In the Second Republic, the total membership of each House of Assembly was determined by the Constitution. Going through the Structure of the 1979 Constitution, one should be able to realize that the Constitution was similar to the American Presidential system of government with separation of powers; The legislature, the Executive, etc .
Coming to the noted that the National Assembly was made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate was was made up of 450 members 449 have been distributed to the states according to the size and the remaining one being reserved for the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.
Qualified members of the parliament were to be Nigerian citizens up to the age of 30 for the Senate and 21 for the House of Representatives.
Unqualified ones were those with another country's citizenship, lunatics, those under death sentence, undischarged bankrupts, convicts, public servants, etc. The State Assembly was a unicameral legislature which was a unicameral legislature which was made up of Representatives. According to the Constitution, qualified candidates must have attained the age of 21.
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