When Muhammad(S.A.W.) sought for protection in Ta'if ...
When Muhammad(S.A.W.) sought for protection in Ta'if in 620 C.E. he was
allowed to stay for few days
stoned by the people of Ta'if
granted a conditional permit
received joyously by the people
Correct answer is B
By rejecting Muhammad's religion, the people of Ta'if ordered their children to throw rocks and stones at Muhammad and Zayn ibn Harithah to make them leave the city and never come back.
A Juz' of the Qur'an is sub-divided into the following except ...
The significant message contained in sūrah at-Takāthur is that ...
Imamul Bukhari was born in the year _____ A.H ...
Khadijah married Muhammad(S.A.W) at the age of ...
Hadith 9 of an-Nawawi is an admonition against ...
The main function of Angel Azrāil is ...
Fortune telling is un-Islamic ...
Qadr to the majority of scholars in Islam means ...
the names of prophet muhammad's (S.A.W) daughters are ...
Part of the 23rd Hadīth of al-Nawawi’s collection refers to purification as a ...