According to the Prophet (S.A.W), he who betrays trust in...
According to the Prophet (S.A.W), he who betrays trust in regarded as having
faith but no religion
religion but no faith
no hope in the Hereafter
neither faith nor religion
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
A recipent of Zakat according to Qur'an 9:60 is the ...
Of all the special prayer salat āl−Janaℎ is unique because it lacks ...
The ZamZam is beneficial to pilgrims because it ...
Which of the following prophets is not among the Ulul-Azm? ...
In view of the various favors bestowed on man by ‘Allāh as enumerated in Sūrah 56:57-74, man...
Sadaq is the exclusive property of the ...
The Prophet (S.A.W) enjoins that if anyone sees an abomination, the least thing to do is to ...
The compilation of Hadith started at the time of ...
Caliph uthman b. Affan began his reign in ...
Q.2:219 prohibits wine and gambling for the Muslims because ...