The Qur'an is referred to as al-hukum because it
...The Qur'an is referred to as al-hukum because it
provides direction to judgement
reminds one of his duties
is revealed from Allah
guides a Muslim to his right path
Correct answer is A
The quran gives direction ot judgement and hence it is referred to as al-Hukm
The battle of Badr was fought in the 2nd year after Hijrah in ...
The state into which the pilgrim enters befire the time of Hajj is ...
The field of study dealing with Ibādar and Muāmalār is known as ...
In which Surah is making show in worship condemned ...
Taharah in Shari'ah is observed in all the following forms except ...
The difference between isnād and matn is that ...
During the Jihiliyya era, the Ka'aba was the center of poetic contest at the annual festival cal...
Abdul-muttalib as prophet muhammed's(SAW) ...
Tawhid ur-Rubbubiyyah means ...
The major difference among the Sunni schools of law borders on ...