The scholar who adopted Tafsīr bil Ma’athūr in hi...
The scholar who adopted Tafsīr bil Ma’athūr in his commentary was
Abu Abdullahi Shaddād B. Aws
As-Sassās Abū Bakr Ahmed b. Ali
At-Tabari Abū Jāfar Muhammed b. Jarir
Al-Qutubi Muhammad Abū Abdullahi
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Hadith 18 of an-Nawawi enjoins believers to ...
the prophet's uncle who succeded ABu Talib as the head of Banu Hashum was ...
Sūratul-Kawthar concerns the Prophet’s ...
Hadith means _______ of the prophet (SAW) ...
"Whoever does any work which is not in the teaching of Islam will be rejected" is found in...
An aspect of the Nigerian culture which may be regarded as shirk is ...
In Islam, the articles of Imān are ...
Taharah in Shari'ah is observed in all the following forms except ...