The name al-Furqan implies that the Qur'an is a
...The name al-Furqan implies that the Qur'an is a
Correct answer is C
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Hadith 3 of an-Nawawi’s collection shows that Islam is built upon ...
One of the spiritual advantages of salat ...
The unity of Allah is expressed in Suratul- ...
The angel that interrogates the dead in the grave is ...
Excellent or sound traditions are grouped under ...
The total number of Chapters in the Qur'an is ...
How many times does the word A'bud and its derivatives occur in Suratul-Kafirun ...
The money given out a woman at the time of contracting her marriage is known as ...
Al-bayyinah appears in the Holy Qur’ān chapter 98 ...
The state into which the pilgrim enters befire the time of Hajj is ...