The angel of Allah in charge of rain and distribution of ...
The angel of Allah in charge of rain and distribution of substance is
Correct answer is B
Mika'il - The Angel Mika'il (known as Michael in Christianity) is a friend to humanity. He is known as the giver of rain, which waters the land and helps to provide food for people. He is believed to guard places of worship and reward people's good deeds. As the Angel of Mercy, he asks Allah to forgive people's sins.
The admonition of the last part of Hadith 18 of an-Nawawi is ...
The first young person to accept Islam was? ...
Reference to a special night is made in Surat ...
The major theme of āyah Amanar-Rasāl is ...
Imam an-Nasal spent his days in ...
Makkah is referred to in Qur'an chapter 95 verse 3 as the city of ...
What is the position of fulfilment of promises in Islam? ...
Which if the following is not amonged the articles of faith ? belief in the ...
Fasting on the day of doubt is ...
In Hadith 6 of an-Nawawi's collection, the Prophet(SAW) said the lawful and unlawful are all cle...