Taharah in Shari'ah is observed in all the following ...
Taharah in Shari'ah is observed in all the following forms except
Correct answer is C
sa'at al istijabah (a time when du'a is answered).
All you have to do is make dua before Maghrib! Note: It's NOT 'Salat' (prayer), it's Sa'at (time) of istijabah (response). Sa'at al Istijabah is not a form of taharah (purification), but an important time to make du'a.
One of the following is not part of the names of the Qu’ran. ...
‘Of the excellence of the Islam of a man is his leaving alone what does not concern him’...
Those exempted from paying jizyāh are ...
The main message of the verse above is that the ...
Accountability is an act of worship ...
Suratul furqan (Q25:63) declares that the servant of Allah are those who ...
The verse above (Q. 17.23) warns against ...
A Juz' of the Quran is subdivided into the following except ...
Members of the Prophet’s family that embraced Islam the first day did so, on the basis of his ...