The expressions Iqra'', ′allama and al - qa...
The expressions Iqra'', ′allama and al - qalam in Sūrat al− ′Alaq emphasize the importance of
Correct answer is B
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The outcome of the Battle of Badr proved that ...
The migration of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) from Mecca to Madinah was called? ...
Mutilation which is stipulated in Q. 5:38 for theft is described as ...
Makkah is referred to in the Quran chapter 95 verse 3 as the city of ...
Sunnah is important because it ...
Chapter 112 of the Qu’ran talks about belief in ...
The field of study dealing with Ibādar and Muāmalār is known as ...
The first pledge of Aqabah was signed in ...
One of the most outstanding developments after the Hijrah was the ...