The term ‘Asmā ar-Rijāl’ refers to the inve...
The term ‘Asmā ar-Rijāl’ refers to the investigation of the
Chain of Hadīth
content of Hadīth
criticism of the narrators
chronology of the narrators
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Umar b Abdul Aziz is remebered in the development of Hadith because he ...
The next place for a Muslim to spend the night after ‘Arafat is ...
Divorce at the instance of the husband is ...
The Glorious Qur’ǻn takes precedence over the Hadith in that ...
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) did not hand-over the Glorious Qur'an to his companions in an arranged fo...
Ihyā’ ‘Ulūm ad-dīn is the title of a book written by ...
Hadith 7 of an-Nawawi's collection teaches ...
Monotheism is emphasized in surah ...
The number of Muslims in the battle of Badr was 313 while that of Makkan force was__ ...
The Qur’an is different from other revealed Books because ...