Islam regards the whole body of a woman as ‘awrah e...
Islam regards the whole body of a woman as ‘awrah except her face and
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
A Muslim who joins the Imām while he is rising from the last rukū’ of the last rak’ah ...
"Lam yalid wa lam yulad"(Q 112:3) is preceded by ...
Which of the following is not a concept of islamic brotherhood? ...
The verse (Q. 95.8) above means ‘Is Allah not’ ...
"Alam yajidka yatiman fa'awa" in suratul-Duha (Q.93) refers to the prophet as ...
Q.24:30 enjoins Muslims to ...
The correct isnad of an hadith is established through the following except the ...
A major activity in Salah performed through various bodily postures is known as ...
The number of Makkan soldiers that took part in the battle of Uhud was ...