The initial spread of Islam in West Africa can be describ...
The initial spread of Islam in West Africa can be described as generally
rapid and systematic
rapid and thorough
slow but peaceful
peaceful and systematic
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The shortest surah in the Qu’ran is ...
In Islam, the articles of Imān are ...
Imam an-Nasa'l spent his days in ...
The creation of man in orderly proportion is described in sūrah ...
Imam an-Nasal spent his days in ...
Al-cawrah for a man is from the ...
Part of the 23rd Hadīth of al-Nawawi’s collection refers to purification as a ...
The prinicple of Adalah is unique in that in guarantee ...
Salatul istisqa is performed when there is ...
The initial idea to preserve the Glorious Qur'ān was mooted by ...