‘God was well pleased with the believers when they ...
‘God was well pleased with the believers when they pledges all allegiance unto thee beneath the tree’.
The verse above was revealed in connection with the
battle of Badr
battle of Tabūk
Treaty of Hudaybiyah
pledge of ‘Aqabah
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
'O Allah! Lord of power (and rule), Thou giveth power to whom thou pleaseth, and thou strippest ...
Abu Iahab was so nicknamed because of his ...
One of the conditions that make prayer obligatory on believers is ...
A feature which is common to the Sharl’ah and the common law is ...
Q. 3:103 enjoins Muslims to ...
Wala'akhiratu khayerim laka minal ida (Q, 93:3) means ...
The number of takbirat performed in a rak'ah as a unit of salāh is ...
One of the spiritual advantages of salat ...
The most hateful of the permissible things in the sight of Allāℎ is ...
The following religions existed in Ariabia before islam except ...