One of the conditions of Sunni talāq is that it must be ...
One of the conditions of Sunni talāq is that it must be pronounced
three times consecutively
by the mother-in-law
when the wife is free from menstruation
with the free consent of the wife
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The verse above (Q. 17.23) warns against ...
One of the conditions that make prayer obligatory on believers is ...
The Prophet (S.A.W) granted general amnesty to all enemies of Islam after the ...
'And consult them in the affairs ...'(Qur'ān 3:159). This expression emphasizes the imp...
which of the following is a characteristic of Makkan survivor ? ...
The importance of the Hadith lies in the fact that it _____ ...
The number of Muslims in the battle of Badr was 313 while that of Makkan force was__ ...
The type of Ghusl performed by a new convert to Islam is ...