In the course of hijjat'l - widā, Muslims were taugh...
In the course of hijjat'l - widā, Muslims were taught to
shun alcohol and games of chance
pay zakāℎ regularly and fast annually
treat women and domestic servants kindly
promptness and impartiality in the dispensation of justice
Correct answer is C
But Arabia before Islam was a society where there were no rules, except that the strong dominated the weak. It seems reasonable to expect that a natural byproduct of such society would be the oppression of women. In fact, alongside the examples of strong and independent women, there are numerous reports of women having an inferior status. Female infanticide, for instance, was practiced by fathers who did not value their daughters as much as they valued their sons. In areas, such as marriage, divorce, and inheritance, women were often deprived of their basic rights: to choose their husbands freely, to divorce if ill-treated or to inherit from their families.
The act of taking refuge from the Jinns as mentioned in Q. 72:6 is that ...
A worshipper recites the Tashahhud in the posture of ...
The unity of Allah is expressed in Suratul - ...
Rights of non muslims in an islamic state include the following except ...
In Sūrat an-Nās, protection was sought from the evils of ...
Ibrāhīm is described in the Holy Qur’ān as ...
The goddesses of the Jahiliyyah Arabs include ...
Reference is made to migration of 622C.E in an-Nawawi's Hadith ...
Which of the following traditional complied the sahihayn ...